Anyone have any ideas? I've been a prisoner on my on couch for almost 7 days now. I'm bored!! My couch cushions have permanent butt dents on it! Uuuhhhhggggggg... t.v. is rotting my brain!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Egg Transfer Today!
I just got back from my egg transfer! Everything went great. I had to drink about 3 large glasses of water before we got there so they can see my uterus better during the ultrasound. That part was not very fun. I had to pee sooooooo bad! Anyways, Chris and I went into this little sitting room and I had to get undressed and Chris had to wear a scrub outfit over his clothes. The embryologist came into the room and explained the procedure and told us all about our little eggs. She said they were perfect! The best grade and quality you could ask for. After she left, we waited for the nurse to take us into the room for the actual transfer. Then she came and got us and brought us into this special procedure room. I sat in this chair that literally could of dumped me on my head, that how far back it was tilted! Chris was sitting to the side of me and then Dr. Karande came in the room and did what he needed to do. It was almost painless. The pressure on my bladder was horrible. I hated that part! Anyhoo, after about 4-5 minutes, it was over! I am now laying on the couch with 2 little eggs floating around inside my uterus!! Now I get the joy of waiting for my first pregnancy test, which wont be till after Mother's Day!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My Egg Retrieval...
So I had my egg retrieval yesterday, (Friday, April 24th). Everything went really well and the procedure overall was not that bad. I was very nervous, but got through it just fine. So first off, I had to fully undress. Then I had to go wait in the recovery room for my IV. The IV did not hurt at all. It actually hurt more to get my blood drawn! After the IV I gave Chris a kiss and I walked into the egg retrieval room with a nurse. I laid on the table and the Doctor gave me some great medicine that put me right to sleep! The next thing I remembered was that I was sitting tin the chair talking to Chris! I had some animal crackers and water after I woke up more. I also took some meds to relieve my cramps. After I little while, I got dressed and then sat in a wheel chair. The nurse rolled me outside to our car and we went home! I laid on the couch pretty much all day. I ate a lot and felt pretty good overall! Now I am just waiting to hear about the fertilization!
Here I am right after I got undressed! Dont I look awesome!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Houston, we are go for launch...
Friday is the big day! I just got the call that we are going in at 9:30am on Friday. My estrogen level is at 3,445. I have 18 follicles on my right measuring at 21,20,17,16,15,15,14,14,14 and 12. I have 12 on my left mesuring at 18,17,15,15,15,15,13,11,10 and 7. I will be doing my HCG trigger shot tonight at exactly 10:15pm and I have to start taking my antibiotic medication tonight as well. Tomorrow will be my only free day of no injections!! WooHoo! After that we start the shark of all injections...the Progesterone In Oil,(PIO) ...Chris is nervous to give that one! So here we go...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Another update...
More blood work and another ultrasound today. I think I should just move into my doctors office. estrogen went up to 2,661. They did not say how many follicles I have on each ovary today, but they did give me the numbers, (I think the lady leaving the message was in a hurry...). On my left side they measured at 17,15,15,15,15,13 and 10. On my right side they measured at 18,17,16,15,15,14,14,14,13 and 11. So they have grown overnight! I am to do 75 units of Follistim again this evening. I have to go back in tomorrow at 9:20am for more blood work and another ultrasound. Also, I picked up my Valium for the egg retrieval. I am not sure if I will take it yet or not. I will wait till the day of to decide as I need to take it only 1 hour before my procedure. I will KUP...
Monday, April 20, 2009
So today I went in for another Doctor's appointment. I had blood work done along with a ultrasound. My estrogen level is at 1,107 today from 721 yesterday. I have 12 follies on my left side measuring 13,12,12,12,12,12,10,10 and other small ones. I have 18 on my right ovary measuring 17,16,13,13,12,11,11,11, and other small ones. I have to decrease my dosage of Follistim to 75 units tonight. I go back in tomorrow morning at 9am for more blood work and an ultrasound. I am in pain today as well. I feel like I have two tennis balls sitting where my ovaries should be! I just want to lay down and not do anything! I hate that I have to work during this process. My mind is basically 100% on my IVF process. I just want to go to sleep and wake up when its all over...but I don't own any fairy dust and this is not 'La La Land' so I guess I just have to get used to it. Time is going by fairly quickly and I am thankful for that. I will post my new numbers and any other information I get tomorrow! Talk to you then...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Grow Follies, Grow!...but not too fast!
Today I had my day 5 blood work and ultrasound done, (It is day 5 of me bieng on the stim injections). My appointment was at 8am this morning! Everything looks great and I seem to be moving along quickly, thank GOD! My estrogen level was 721. I have 8 follicles on my left ovary measuring at 11,11,11,10,10,7,7, and they didn't say what the other one was. It probably was small. I have 12 follicles on my right ovary measuring at 13,12,11,10,10,10,10,10,9 and they didn't say what the other ones were either. 10 seems to be my lucky number. And by the way, a follicle is basically a fluid filled bubble that holds one egg. When your follicles measure at about 20, then they are mature. There is no guarantee that a mature follicle will even hold any eggs though. Anyways, I go back I tomorrow for more blood work and another ultrasound at 9:15am. I will get those results in the late afternoon. Enjoy my 'illegal' pictures...(Chris thinks they are illegal because I didnt ask permission to take them. Whatever Chris...)
Here's Dr. Karande's office!
Here's me in the ultrasound room showing you pictures of my uterus and ovaries, (you really cant see them in these pic's). I come in here every visit to get ultrasounds done. Chris snuck this picture! Yes, I know I look like pooh, but it was 8am on Sunday morning!!
Here's the lovely chair I get to lay in for my ultrasounds.
Here's the lovely chair I get to lay in for my ultrasounds.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
So today I stayed home from work. I woke up not feeling really well. All these hormones are raging through my body and they need to even out. I get dizzy and light-headed really easy. My stomach feels like a pin cushion with bruises, red dots and if that's not enough I am VERY sore. Some of the meds feel like they are burning when they are going in and after they are injected inside too. I cant have my pants too tight or rubbing around the area of all my injections, it hurts! So NOT fun. So I will stay in my comfy lounge pants all day and relax. On the bright side its nice out! I just went for a walk around my house and pulled some weeds, looked at all my plants and flowers that are coming up and gave the birds some more bird seed. Chris and I are installing landscape lights tomorrow and laying some new mulch. We have a whole big 'to do' list of things we have to get done this weekend. Mostly just cleaning the house and things of that nature. I think we might go look at new cars too. So that's my news...nothing really fun or exciting. Sunday is our next Doctor's visit. We have to be there by 8am!! I will be having blood work done along with a ultrasound. I will KUP!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I put on my 'Big Girl Panties' today
I Just did my 3rd shot of the day. Everything went fine. I have just been really tired and I feel lonley today. Chris has his end of tax season party tonight so he is not home. I wish he were though, but I understand. I am getting ready for bed and my heating pad is waiting for me. Thats it for to you all soon!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You need 3 tickets to ride this ride...
So I am officially starting my 2 other injections tomorrow. That will be a total of 3 a day, 2 in the morning and 1 at night!! The drugs I will be taking are called Lupron, Menopur and Follistim. They should make 'healthy and large' follicles and eggs. I am not nervous or scared...infact I feel really good about this whole process. I'm pretty much eating whatever I want and enjoying it, even if I gained 15 pounds!!!!Uuuuhhhhgggg!!! Oh well! My next blood work and ultrasound appointment is on Sunday at 8 AM!! No sleeping in for me and I will be damned if Chris stays home and sleeps in! If I have to get up, so does he! Thats it for now. I will KUP.(Keep you posted.)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Just call me the human pin cushion
Today was my suppression check. I had a ultrasound done along with blood work. I will get the results tomorrow after 3pm. I'm sure Wednesday will be a go for the start of my other injections! Then the ride will really begin!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Lupron, I hope you did your job!
Tomorrow I go in for blood work and a ultrasound to determine if the Lupron worked. I will not get the results until Tuesday. If the Lupron worked, I will start the stim drugs and be taking 3 injections a day. The ball will be rolling fast and there is no turning back after I start them! I just hope time goes by fast and that everything goes smooth. I have no doubt in my mind that everything will work and I will be just fine. So think of me tomorrow at 2 pm!! I will keep you updated...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Drum roll please...
So today I finally got my test results back on my Thalassemia test and everything is good! No genetic blood disorders!! That's a huge relief. I have been waiting for what seems like forever for these results to come in. I feel a lot better and I am looking forward to my next blood work and ultrasound visit I have on Monday. They are checking to make sure the Lupron is working and that I am suppressed. I will get those results the next day, Tuesday, and start my stim drugs on Wednesday...are you following me here?!! So we are moving along!
Sunday, April 5, 2009 are my brand of heroin!
Chris and I went to Portillo's last night for dinner, (Portillo's is my favorite restaurant in case you didn't know!), and we ate like big fat fatty's. I even got a chocolate shake! GOD was it good! All these hormones and drugs going through my body are making me hungry all the time. It was well worth the calories and if you have ever had Portillo's you would agree with me. Yummmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I am officially retiring my thermometer...
After 1 year, 3 months, 3 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes and 5 seconds I am done charting! I am retiring my thermometer for good. I am glad I charted because that is the way I found out that I dont ovulate and therefore could not get pregnant. It feels good to put it into my memory box.
R.I.P Basal Thermometer!
PS~ I feel much better today. I did not wake up in the night nor did I have any night sweats or hot flashes. Hopefully it will stay that way.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Oh Lupron... you are no fun.
Well the Lupron is definitely kicking in. I feel extremely tired, bloated, nauseated and I have the night sweats and hot flashes. Not fun! Small price to pay for a baby though. I am just resting and eating every couple hours to make the symptoms feel a lot less. I also went in today for another blood test. I got a genetic test done called Thalassemia. I should get the result by late next week. Its not a big deal and will not effect my IVF cycle.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Last evil/emotional/hormonal BCP tonight! There is a GOD!
I take my last BCP tonight!!! WoooooHooooo! I HATE them. They made me feel so cranky and emotional. They also made me feel hungry at all times. I ate like a horse and gained weight for sure!!! Anyway, I am glad that I dont have to take them anymore! I was on them for 21 days!!
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