Saturday, April 4, 2009

I am officially retiring my thermometer...

After 1 year, 3 months, 3 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes and 5 seconds I am done charting! I am retiring my thermometer for good. I am glad I charted because that is the way I found out that I dont ovulate and therefore could not get pregnant. It feels good to put it into my memory box.
R.I.P Basal Thermometer!
PS~ I feel much better today. I did not wake up in the night nor did I have any night sweats or hot flashes. Hopefully it will stay that way.


MUM#3 said...

I remember doing the same. I celebrated by whipping it across the room and breaking it into pieces! Obviously that was before digital thermometers were so popular! LOL!

I wish you all the best on your new pursuit! I hope you have a child in your arms soon. My heart and prayers are with you through your journey to mommyhood. Hang in there. The road ahead is kind of rocky, but hopefully good results lie ahead!

Linda M (your mom's cyber friend)

Wits End said...

So,like, i can't go peek at your online chart anymore?? well...sounds like a trade-up to me, anyway! love and hugs, mom