Thursday, April 30, 2009

What else can you do on a couch?

Anyone have any ideas? I've been a prisoner on my on couch for almost 7 days now. I'm bored!! My couch cushions have permanent butt dents on it! Uuuhhhhggggggg... t.v. is rotting my brain!


Rebecca said...

online shopping! or you can come to my house and do my homework!

mom said...

you can: read, knit, think, sleep, watch tv, watch videos, play with your cats, clip coupons, scrapbook, hum your favorite tunes, count the number of floorboards in your living room, do word search puzzles, do a jigsaw puzzle, paint your nails, practice blowing spitballs at a target, make fun of the people on Judge Judy, organize your magazine clippings, eat, take up needlepoint, switch to the other couch, help your sister with her homework ...there..that oughtta keep you busy for a while but STAY PUT ON THE COUCH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to be able to sit on the couch and VEG for 7 days ... but the Grass is always Greener on the other side ... until you get there!!! Hang in there kiddo ... You are in my prayers! I love You! Auntie Mary