So today I went in for another Doctor's appointment. I had blood work done along with a ultrasound. My estrogen level is at 1,107 today from 721 yesterday. I have 12 follies on my left side measuring 13,12,12,12,12,12,10,10 and other small ones. I have 18 on my right ovary measuring 17,16,13,13,12,11,11,11, and other small ones. I have to decrease my dosage of Follistim to 75 units tonight. I go back in tomorrow morning at 9am for more blood work and an ultrasound. I am in pain today as well. I feel like I have two tennis balls sitting where my ovaries should be! I just want to lay down and not do anything! I hate that I have to work during this process. My mind is basically 100% on my IVF process. I just want to go to sleep and wake up when its all over...but I don't own any fairy dust and this is not 'La La Land' so I guess I just have to get used to it. Time is going by fairly quickly and I am thankful for that. I will post my new numbers and any other information I get tomorrow! Talk to you then...
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
19 hours ago
so whats the size they are looking for? like when most of your 'follies' are at like 16 its time to go or what?! What are you doing for mothers day if you arent lying in bed?
you're doing great, honey...and i know you have the determination and desire to continue to do great! Pamper easy on yourself. this is alot to go through physically & emotionally, so do what you can to make it easy on yourself and Chris. Keep your other committments to a minimum, and take this time to enjoy the whole experience with Chris. thanks for sharing!
love and hugs
your Mom said it all, she is a sharp cookie, listen to her sweetie she will help you weather the bad days. You are doing great, don't forget that this is one of the most difficult things a woman can do and you are making it happen. That baby is there somewhere just waiting for the right time. I am proud of you!
Keep on truckin' sweetie (oh boy does that tell you my age or what), dumbo, that's me!
Love you
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